Monday, January 25, 2010

What a Co-inky-dink, Obama! John Kerry Never Introduced Himself, Either

Way back in the olden days of 2004, I wrote a short bit reflecting on the caterwauling over John Kerry's borderline-humiliating loss to George W. Bush...

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November 04, 2004

"Kerry never communicated is person..."

I have heard again and again that the reason Kerry lost is because he did not effectively communicate who he is as a person. That he never introduced himself to Americans.

I reject this as supremely absurd and beyond riduculous.

The reality is that he did effectively communicate his personhood. He effectively broadcast his policies, ideals, personality, etc. Americans saw, understood, and decided who shall be President of the United States based on the full disclosure of Kerry on Kerry.

The decision was: No, thank you. Period.

No amount of revelations or communications would have changed the outcome (untruths and malicious manipulations notwithstanding). Kerry came, was seen, and was rejected precisely because he is who he is and what he believes. There's nothing underhanded or mean about that rejection. It is a reality of a presidential election. One (or more) guy loses - and there's nothing wrong with that.

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Seems like Obama is taking a page from the Kerry playbook here. After all, look how well it worked out for good 'ole Lurch Dukakis.

Deja-vu is boring.

But hey, maybe things will start looking up for the wind-sailing lawmaker now that he's the Senior Senator from Massachusetts.

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