Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What Would You Do?

We've all heard to story and seen the video...

A 29yr-old reporter reporting in Iraq for ab Arab satellite channel interrupted a press conference and threw his shoes at President Bush. Called him a dog, too.

We here in America may not recognize that these two things are indeed grave insults to our President. We see this goofy guy throwing shoes and Bush deftly ducks the assault.

In an extraordinary move (extraordinary for leaders in that part of the world, certainly) Bush calls off his security detail and makes a joke. The Iraquis take the man into custody. This act is against the law in Iraq and carries with it a seven year prison sentence. Whether or not the Iraqis choose to prosecute this foreigner is up to them.

I can only imagine what would have happened if it was Barack Obama in Bush's place that afternoon... So I asked my Twitter-friends, "Even though it's kinda old news, I wonder how would Obama have handled a shoe being thrown at him??"

Here's what some of them had to say...

Mortimas "he would have bobbed when he should have weaved"
BreakTheirBones "he would have stopped the shoe midflight with a Jedi mind trick."
DecidedlyRight "Well, Obama is severely lacking in machismo, so my guess is that he'd be taken to a hospital for observation. :)"
TracyCarol "Obama can walk on water, so a shoe shouldn't be a problem. Think how tragic would be for his followers to see him as mortal."

What do you say?


Join conversation here or at twitter.com.

Friday, December 5, 2008

FL State Student Council Pays For Ayers Speech

Florida State University invites unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers to speak. (h/t Michelle Malkin)

Today, we are all SEMINOLES. Let's take a few short moments to stand up for America.

Email your opinion about Ayers' speechmaking to our kids to the student council who approved it: http://sga.fsu.edu/

Be nice. No cussing. Remember, they're just kids (idiot kids, but still...)


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We're All in Cosmo's World...

I'm sad to report that Cosmo, for whom this blog is named, has passed away.

He was a beloved member of our family for more than 13 years.

We were lucky enough for Cosmo to pick us when he was a wee one at 12 weeks old.

He was always a sport. The neighborhood kids nicknamed him "Wonderdog" for his abilities with frisbees.

He was our buddy, our 'Mo. We will miss him terribly until that day we see him again.

Perhaps now more than ever, we are all in Cosmo's World...